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The beauty of green emeralds

Emerald green is a color that’s special and unique. It’s a color of the sea, with the brightness and lightness of green. Emeralds are a gemstone, distinct and rare. When you want to describe something as special and unique, emerald green is a good color to use. You could also say that something is “the […]

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Green Emerald Necklace – The Ultimate Piece Of Jewelry For Any Occasion

Together with rubies and sapphires, emeralds make up the ‘big three’ in the world of precious gemstones. Belonging to the Beryl family, this May birthstone is a gorgeous forest green hue, often symbolizing growth, life, hope, peace, and fertility.  Ancient treasures For thousands of years, people across cultures have treasured the emerald. The actual word […]

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Emerald Gemstone Bracelets: A Gorgeous Statement for your Everyday Outfit

When putting together an outfit, there are many factors to consider, including elegance; what better way to show off your elegance than donning that special statement piece, and what could make a clearer statement than a gorgeous emerald gemstone bracelet?    Emerald jewelry is back in the fashion scene, and its exclusive color makes them […]

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